“It is good, as an artist, to always remember to see things in a new, weird way.”

                                                                      Tim Burton

 Mixed media art, at its best, is about exploring options and coming up with an unexpected and unique approach.  I am a “hunter and gatherer” by nature.  Whether it’s looking for the unusual in an antique store, looking for items to re-purpose from the thrift store, picking up objects I find in nature, or considering trinkets in the dollar store, everything presents an opportunity to me to use in my art.  The challenge then becomes how best to combine, enhance, and/or modify the objects to best convey what I see in my mind’s eye.  However, as is inherent in all mixed media art, the viewer will interpret and form their own opinion of the piece.  That motivates me.  It is always my hope that the viewer will gain an appreciation for the methods and materials used and will think “I would have never thought to use that for that!”.